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Showing posts from April, 2009

Life Keeps One Busy

Yep, that is what has been going on. Life is keeping us busy. Running around like chicken with our heads cut off. Awesome. I am not one for busy either. I do not like to be busy. It does not work for me. I am a cloud dweller, my personality type, and we cloud dwellers need time to just be man. It seems our calendar (another thing I am not fond of.....calendars. Goes along with the dislike of schedules. Gag. Ties you down dude....) has been jam packed for the last two months. I have found a moment to just be on this rainy Saturday. Though Emma is trying to rob me of that ("Mom, let's play Life. Come on." ) We spent the last week taking care of my two nieces and nephew so my sister and her husband could actually take a vacation ALONE. And not be running in 400 different directions every day. I always enjoy being "mom" to six. Even though the girls are now 16 and 14 and it seems I am not ready for that yet. Teens are from a different planet. And ...