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Life Keeps One Busy

Yep, that is what has been going on. Life is keeping us busy. Running around like chicken with our heads cut off. Awesome. I am not one for busy either. I do not like to be busy. It does not work for me. I am a cloud dweller, my personality type, and we cloud dwellers need time to just be man.

It seems our calendar (another thing I am not fond of.....calendars. Goes along with the dislike of schedules. Gag. Ties you down dude....) has been jam packed for the last two months. I have found a moment to just be on this rainy Saturday. Though Emma is trying to rob me of that ("Mom, let's play Life. Come on." )

We spent the last week taking care of my two nieces and nephew so my sister and her husband could actually take a vacation ALONE. And not be running in 400 different directions every day.

I always enjoy being "mom" to six. Even though the girls are now 16 and 14 and it seems I am not ready for that yet. Teens are from a different planet. And the 16 year old can drive and has a car and a curfew......and you just have to let her go?!?!? Yea, that does not work for me. I am not there yet.

I thrive though in chaos and noise. I liked the activity of that many kids around. If it were not for the c-sections I think I could have six kids of my own. Mya make me a freak but I am okay with that.

As a result of our chaotic life lately, I am behind on posting. So to bring you up to speed here are the newest belly shots.

14 weeks
14 weeks

15 weeks
15 weeks take 3

16 weeks
16 weeks

And a look at what we have been up to...

My men at tee ball practice


Emma riding the pony

Be still my heart

What happens when you give a Xander a cookie

And now you all are caught up. Sort of....


Anonymous said…
Thank you thank you thank you again for being the Mom to 6 for us. It is crazy most of the time but I am used to it - the schedules the constant running. Was so nice though to have 6 straight days for Patrick and I to just be. The pics are so cute...and remember that there is that stable over here on 151st...just sayin'. ; ) Love you guys - Kiki
Jessi said…
You look stunning! Glad to see you hadn't forgotten us entirely and decided to update, hehe.

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