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Showing posts from December, 2018

If I Could Escape....(And Recreate A Place As My Own World)

(bonus points to anyone who knows that song title 😂) Ever since I can remember I have enjoyed reading.  I do not have some grand illusions of my parents reading to me every night before bed.  I know I had lots of books as a child and I know my mom read often and we had piles of books around the house.  I know as I got older, I would anxiously await the release of the newest Baby-Sitters Club book and beg my mom to take me to the mall so I could purchase it.  She rarely turned me down, if ever, because I think she was thrilled I enjoyed reading so very much. I would take that new book and head to my room.  I would rarely emerge until I had finished reading it.  I have always been a fast reader and if the book is good, I will not put it down until I have finished it.  I have zero self control when it comes to reading.  I do not hear things or get hungry or have to pee when I am reading.  I can do this for hours.  No lie. You can...

What Do Fairy Tales Teach Us?

To begin with, what good is Winter Break if you can't stay up way past your bedtime watching movies, eating snacks, drinking a beer, and writing?  No good.  It's no good. I was getting ready for bed when, as usually happens, my brain started writing.  It's a thing that happens to me often.  I feel as though I am writing a manuscript or some such nonsense in my head.  It's been this way for as long as I can remember.  Maybe I think too much.  Or maybe I am just more fucked up than I thought.  Who knows.  But there seems to be a constant narrative running in my head.  Sometimes, I let it out.  Lucky for you, tonight is such a night.  😂 Get. Excited. I do not know what it is about breaks.  When I stayed at home, things looked very different.  I would not trade that time, but looking back it probably wasn't the healthiest of situations for me.  I am beyond thankful of the time I was given with my children wh...

Every Morning

Full confession:  I am NOT a morning person.  I never have been.  Life has forced me to be up early.  Emmaline was born and the child was a great sleeper.....but she was up at about 4 a.m. Every. Damn. Day.  Lord help me,  I was not prepared for that nonsense.  😂 More kids came and I homeschooled and mornings were still not my thing.  I tried. Who are we kidding?  I begged my children to stay in bed.  I was possibly in tears doing so.  I am a night owl and my nature is just that.  Needless to say, it never worked.  I put the kids in public school.  I drove them to school those first couple of years and yes, I was in my pajamas.  Do you know what time school starts?  Too early, that's when. So when I got my big girl job, the idea of getting kids up and to school and myself to work by eight was daunting.  And the very thought exhausted me.  Soon enough we fell into a routine and I adjusted....