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Showing posts from May, 2008

Concrete Evidence

I figure my kids will need concrete evidence of the wretched mom I was. You know, for therapy when they are adults. So I might as well supply it in the form of photos. To add to the collection..... Emma was helping with cookies the other day. She wiped her hands on her butt. Cracked me up. I was laughing so hard I almost could not take the picture. Then I almost peed my pants. Of course, Davis had to be in it too. So the combo of the butt prints and Davis's grin.....good stuff. Looks like a ghost grabbed her butt.

One of Those Days

We cleaned yesterday. The dumpster is just about full. This is how the kids felt about that... What cracks me up is Alexander. It is as if he is saying, "Lord help me. Why did You stick me with THESE people?!?!?!" And for fun, Xander was just having a complaining kind of day.

Just Doin' What I Do

Most days I have no idea what that is. Or for that matter why I do any of the things I do. It seems odd to me that some may see something I do as more work or a bit out there, when well, it just makes sense to me. I stay at home. Always have (since Emmaline was born over 8 years ago.) I will in all likelihood always be at home. I honestly do not ever see myself working outside of the home again. At this rate, IF we have one more child, I will have four kids spaced about four years apart. Even if Xander is the last, I could easily be raising a teenager and be a Grandma. (Though Emma says she is not having kids. She wants to work for the ASPCA and kids and a job do not mix to her.) For a lot of people this is odd. Never working again? Nope. I have breastfed two kids now. Davis nursed for 11 months. Xander is still going strong at just over six months. I am leaning to child led weaning this time. Which could mean nursing to the age of two or beyond. Yes, to most this m...

Giving Myself Permission

It has been a long time since I have just let loose and written. So here goes. Mark and I have decided that a vacation is in order. After some discussion, we settled on venturing to NYC. Now you may be thinking, "What is she seeking permission for?" Going without feeling guilty. Alexander will be eight months old at the time of the trip. He is breastfeeding. Often. I am both in need of this break and yet torn at the same time. This has been a long year thus far with Mark's work. Long hours for all of us. Add in a new baby. A homeschooling second grader and a very energetic four year old boy and I am one tired mama. I have hardly had time to breath in the last four months. (In fairness, neither has Mark.) Also, this has meant very little time for Mark and I as well. I will not even say what I mean by long hours. Six days a week. For four months. The funniest part is not even the leaving the kids for the four days. My big kids will be fine. They will lov...