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Seven weeks away now.

I did find out my thyroid was off. So they increased my medication. By a decent amount. I am beginning to feel better already. I think that my thyroid being off may have been contributing to my lack of energy and my depressed feelings. Those were two of my worst symptoms before. I even had a dream the other night that I was holding our new baby and his/her little head was so soft and snuggled up by my neck. And the baby had that yummy new baby smell. Maybe the fog is lifting.

I am HUGE though and have passed the uncomfortable stage and am in the miserable one. Just so big.

We have the beloved Kiki lined up to keep the kids when we go in for the c-section. The date is set and on the books. We have plans to get things moved around in the house the first weekend in October to make room for baby. It is all coming together.

It is always odd to me.....this time last year I had no idea we would even be thinking about another child let alone actually expecting one. And in only seven more weeks we will go from a family of four to a family of five...........

*oh and do not look for more pregnancy pictures. My camera has been shipped off but I am beginning to bloat up everywhere and it is just.....scary*


tripleZmom said…
So sorry about the bloating thing! That's the worst - okay, it's one of them. Glad you're feeling better otherwise, though.
Anonymous said…
SERIOUSLY??!!! You have come this far with the pictures and now you are done? Whatevah. It is what it is; bloated or not. So sad.... Love you guys, Kiki
Abby said…
I took one last week with Emma's camera. And I will again this week. I am just not going to post them. I think I may have missed one week, but I am not sure....

You can see them at my Tabblo thingy.
Anonymous said…
Good for you; go the distance. ; ) We will take a look at the Tabblo thing. Love ya, Kiki

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