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The Princess Turns Eight

My baby girl is eight years old today. It was eight years ago that I lay in the hospital bed awaiting the first time I would get to hold my first born child. Miss Emmaline was officially born at 8:58 p.m. As I told her today, that was the moment and she was the one that made me a mommy. Precious baby girl, happy birthday.

Today, as is the usual, we made our annual voyage to Build A Bear. This marks our sixth trip. Would you take a moment and look back over the last couple of trips with me? I tried to get similar photos, as in all these were taken at the fill the bear station. This way you can see how much she has grown.

2005, Emma's fifth birthday (oh my.....she looks so incredibly tiny here)

2006, Emma's sixth birthday (no idea who the random kid is)

2007, Emma's seventh birthday (I will admit, I miss the long hair)

2008, Emma's eight birthday (where did the little girl go????)


Yes she is carrying a wristlet purse. And yes it seems in a lot of the pictures she has that one leg popped out. Maybe she is striking a pose? No idea. But as you can see, she has grown up a lot. Not just size wise (her feet grew something like two sizes in the course of the year) but in who she is. I have a feeling tweenville is right around the corner. Wish us luck.

We had a good day out. Nice weather and shopping and playing and lunch. If you had asked me eight years ago I am not sure what I would have envisioned. I am not sure this would have been it. I love it though. Every single moment I have had with my Emmaline. She drives me crazy and we butt heads usually 342 times a day. Just as the song says though (the one she was named after, thanks Ben Folds!) don't let me walk away from Emmaline....

Happy birthday my love. Thank you again for making me mom.


Anonymous said…
OMG!!! Know what I looove?? This is such a Kiki thing two of the pics she is wearing something that I gave her! YEA!! Soon I will be giving her gift cards because I won't get it right (I know this I am the Mom of a 13 &15 year old) but for now - it rocks! Thank you Emma for making me 'the Kiki'. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!Love you
Abby said…
The pink hoodie outfit and the shirt from today. The shirt in her 2007 picture could be from you, I do not know what shirt it is. Did you get the Hello Kitty flip flops?

A lot of the stuff she wears comes from buy a lot of her stuff. LOL.

But seriously, the best thing? Is the attitude in her pictures, the leg pop.....

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