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My kids loves to create things. I love to direct them and make it mine. I have had to learn to step back and let them be. Luckily by the time you have four kids, you can not take over all their creating anyway.

Yesterday we ran errands to gather some items we needed to finish costumes. Over time all our Halloween/Fall decorations have been lost and/or damaged. Add in that over the last four years I have either been pregnant or had a young child on Halloween and the fact that I am not a fan of the was not something that had been a priority.

As we were out and about at crafting stores, we gathered some items to make some new decor. I have found that I enjoy having things the kids make and that come out seasonally. As it brings back memories. I know one day, these are the things I will cherish most.

Today dawned a cool, dreary day. So we sat to craft. Here are the fruits of our labor.

Spider hands: Emmaline on the left, Elodie on the right.

More spider hands, the boys. Xander on the left, Davis on the right.

Beware......of kids or spiders???

Painted pumpkins. These are done by each of my kids and are the first ones they did. Left to right we have: Elodie 2010, Emmaline 2003, Davis 2005, and Xander 2010.

The figures the kids wanted to paint. From left to right again: Emma's pumpkins, Davis' cat, Xander's monster, and Elodie's witch that was a collaboration of Emma and Davis.

The crafters!


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