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Where Have You Been?

If I knew where I had been, I would let you know. Not here obviously.

Life seems to go in spurts. I get into lulls and seem to have a lot going on in my mind and then I get into busy seasons and it seems my mind does not have time to think. I have been around but crazy. Crazier then normal. If that is possible.

I was thinking the other day about life and e-mailing a dear friend about it. I was thinking of all the sayings used to describe life. I took one that is often used but I thought of it in a different light.

Most of us have heard that Life is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. I challenge that. It is usually seen in a bad light. Life is the going up and crashing back down, horrific ride of your life. What if we look at it differently? What if instead of this awful up and down, making us feel sick from it, we see it as we did when we were young?

I will assume that most of us at one point loved to ride roller coasters. If you never did, stick with me anyway. Most of us viewed them as thrilling and exhilarating. We knew we would climb to the top and we looked forward to the drop down. It got our blood moving. It gave us a rush. We looked forward to the next climb and drop as well. We embraced it for what it was.

Life is like a roller coaster, filled with ups and downs. But it is a thrilling ride. It is exhilarating and exciting. You go up and sometimes you drop back down but you know that around the corner, you will go back up again. Why don't we view life in this manner? Why after we have come down the hill do we only see how far we were up and get sad? Why do we look BACK and not look FORWARD? On a roller coaster, most do not look back and see where they came from, they look forward to see where they are going. If you spend time looking back, you will miss what is ahead.

My challenge to anyone reading is to change your view. Turn around, strap yourself in, and enjoy the ride.


Dee said…
I still love roller coasters! What a great spin on an old saying. Thanks for the uplifting message!

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