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Hippy At Heart

I have accepted my inner hippy. I cloth diaper. I breastfeed. And I make my own baby food. I also try to use reusable grocery bags. And I am trying to buy natural/organic foods as often as possible. I am a tree hugger. Sue me. There are much worse things I could be, right?

So Mr. Alexander has been lusting after food for some time now. I have been holding him off, hoping to get him as close to six months as possible. He is almost five months. I asked my mother in law how to make applesauce (for those of you out there, my mother in law is great at natural cooking. I do not think she even realizes she is doing it.) Upon her recommendation, I steamed some apples and then put them in our food mill. Volia! We had applesauce, made from nothing but a fresh apple. I divided it up into five little containers, putting four in the freezer. Xander had his first bites of mommy's yummy applesauce today. Oh my. The boy loved it. After the first 2-3 bites he began to open his mouth in anticipation of the next bite.

Those apples are YUMMY!!

Do I have something on my face?!?!?!

Thanks mom for something new to eat

This was taken last week. Xander fell asleep in his seat while I bathed. And yes he fell asleep with the bunny like that.

This is what an angel looks like while they sleep..


Judy said…
He's totally precious! And growing so fast.

You crunchy granola earth mama you! What are you thinking? Trying to save the world or something?

I'm doing a lot of the same things as you. We switched to cloth diapers months ago, I've been breastfeeding for 4 years now (total - Guthrie weaned at 2 1/2, when Turner was 4 months old), we use reusable bags for shopping most of the time (I forget half the time at Target). I'm even planting a garden!

Good for you! Every little bit does count.
Shannon said…
You can peel the apples, wrap them in foil, and bake them too (also works for pears). We do this when we have veggies in the steamer on baby-food-making days. And bed bath and beyond sells cheap, covered ice cube trays, perfect for freezing baby food!
Anonymous said…
Aww what a cutie...those eyes...such a sweetie. The one where he fell asleep is cute - looks like he is being attacked by his bunny. And we know you are crunchy - always have been! ; ) Love you guys - Kiki
Abby said…
I have always been a crunchy hippy?!?!?! Who knew? LOL.

Thanks Shannon, I may check out those trays. I froze the applesauce in little rubbermaid type containers. But along with the breast milk, my freezer is getting far too full.

Judy, I am not doing a garden. Ugh, I do not much care for the out of doors. Maybe if we had a better yard....but the other stuff is fairly easy. I am also replacing our lightbulbs with those energy saving ones too.
Anonymous said…
You make me want to have another baby so I can make my own baby food. :-) Rach
Judy said…
Well, I have no clue how my garden will do. I always hated yard work, but something prompted me to garden. I have beans growing, and okra, and my tomato plants are doing well. Oh, and basil - what am I going to do with basil? And I'm the only one in my family who eats okra!

The rest? Turner just likes to play in the dirt, so I think those seeds got scattered and birds ate them. Ah, well, I'll learn I guess!

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