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We needed a new toilet seat. Our old one was one of the soft cushy kind and it has cracked in few places. It was time for a new seat.

We purchase one a couple of weeks ago. Today I decided to go ahead and try to install it myself. I read the directions for the new one backward so I could figure out how to take the old one off.

I am sure some of you are by far more handy than I am. After a bit, and some help from my mom, I was able to remove the old seat and put the new one on. Might not be a big deal or a feat for any of you reading, but for me it was!

Here is the new toilet seat.....

Since I am already shameless, here is a picture I took of Emmaline a few days ago. She is so beautiful. I try to not say these sorts of things to her often because I want her to know it is about more than what she looks like. But every once in a while, I take a shot like this one, I download it and I am amazed that Mark and I made her. She is ours and wow....


Jessi said…
She is absolutely adorable. <3

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