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Yes, Acutally I Was Due in July

Here is 28 weeks. Excuse the photo, my camera has to be mailed in to the Gods that be at Fuji. It is funky. So once again, we used Emma's camera.

Right now I am not sure that any camera really matters. Yikes.

28 weeks

And yes, I am going to start telling people I was due in July. Then they will shut up and wipe that stunned look off thier faces they usually have when I say, "November."


Anonymous said…
Been there, done that, Abby! I'm 5'2", petite, and both girls were over 8 pounds. Noah was a month early and over 6 pounds. I looked huge from about 16 weeks on, especially during my 3rd pregnancy. I wanted to kill the people who asked if it was twins!

I think you look great!
Anonymous said…

I'm a big girl, so I don't really show when I'm pregnant (someone didn't know I was pregnant 2 days before I gave birth) but I now some tinier girls who show like MAD.
Anonymous said…
Wow really are kinda... umm...looking very pregnant. You look great though!!!
Anonymous said…
Okay, you know how I feel about this whole thing. I called you on Saturday after Jameison checked your blog. Yes, you are big. Please remember that it is relative. 30 pounds on somebody 5'6" is a lot different looking than 30 pounds on somebody 4'10". And this is the 3rd baby. As long as your blood pressure and blood sugar and alright I would rather know that you are showing big and healthy than not. So just tell people you are carrying quads....or tell them to stick it. You know I went through the same shit when carrying Jameison -OH MY GOD!!! SEPTEMBER 29th!!! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE IT TILL THEN???- whatevah. I made it- you were there you know. It all turned out beautifully, all 9 pounds of him. And your baby girl will too. ; ) Love ya-KIKI

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