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Seasons of Change

I will freely admit that I do not like change. I do not adapt well. I like things to stay as close to the same as always. I have been this way for as long as I can remember.

We are looking at putting the house on the market soon. Sticking a sign in the yard and seeing what happens. I have been trying to clean out the house and Mark has been busy cleaning the yard up some. We do not plan on doing any major work, just cleaning and decluttering. We are also not looking at making a lot of money on the sale, just sell it, pay it off and go.

Our plan is to move to a rental of some sort for a couple of years closer to Mark's work. Think town home or duplex. The area we are looking at has really endless options in this area. All nice, good sized, and within a few miles of Mark's office. Most have garages attached and honestly we will not be sacrificing much space either. Our house also has an odd layout and a tiny kitchen. And one toilet. And no laundry room.

My point is I do not LOVE this house. It works and it is a nice old home in a really nice area. It has been HOME for eight years. But Mark has a long commute. The time has come to get Mark closer to his office.

The idea of moving sounds exciting. Setting up a new house and organizing it sounds great. The reality of it? Not so much. I am a creature of habit. Even though I know the area well, it is after all just another suburb of the same major city. I know it is also the best move to make for the whole family. The savings on gas alone will be huge.

But change I do not embrace. I imagine it is something I better get on board with and accept. The time is coming.....
(not to mention having another child....)


Judy said…
Well, it looks like we might be moving again, too. And I'm sick of moving - this will be the ... 4th place I've lived in as many years. I'm ready to sell everything and live out of hotels. And I'm only half joking.

Good luck on whatever you decide, and however it works out.

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