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Happy Halloween


Here are my kids on Halloween. I do not have a lot of pictures because well........I do not like Halloween anyway. They trick or treated at my mother in laws house. Only a few people but my goodness. We still ended up with two big bowls of candy. Crazy. They did have a good time, even though it did not include walking around a neighborhood door to door.

Our neighbor stepped up her game this year. Complete with a fog machine and a strobe light. Oh and a few teenagers dressed as creepy things standing on the side of her house, right by MY house, to scare the kids. Oh the joys. Freaks.

(Anyone who knows me will get why this is a big deal. We need to move before next year....)


Anonymous said…
So Emma is the playboy bunny and What is Davis?
Abby said…
Emma is Hello Kitty and Davis is a baseball player. Davis does not like to dress up per se, so this was the best we could do. And I hate Halloween anyway. Long story....

Playboy Bunny....what kind of mom do you think I am? You bets be nice or no cookies for you.........

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