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Looking Good

The ultrasound went fine. The baby appeared to look good, from what I could tell. He had four chambers in his heart. Two legs and two arms with fingers and toes. His spine looked good. His heart rate was 143.

We did not find out what the baby actually was. I have the feeling, as does Mark that it is a boy. This is all speculation. Or what we felt when we saw the little booger on the screen.

He yawned for us, twice and ate his hand. And he was moving all the time. So we once again have an active child. I also think the baby already looks like Mark.

Some things never change.......


Dee said…
Glad to know it went well. I thought for a second there that you might have accidentally found out the gender!
D said…
Aww, congratulations! I am glad everything is where it should be. It is such a relief to see them on the ultrasounds - like a validation of sorts. I can't believe you are waiting to find out the sex - it would drive me crazy! :P
karrie said…
You know I have to ask:

Did he have a stick up his butt?


(To anyone else reading, private joke.)
Abby said…
Possibly....I think all my kids came out with them as well. How could they not since I am their mother?

Why u gotsa be a h8ter?

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