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A First Time For Everything

It had to be done. Mark shoved me out the door last night. It was time he said. So I submitted. (insert laugh here)

Sex and the City (the movie) came out on Friday. Most people know that. I watched the entire series, as it aired, on HBO. I found it fascinating, mostly I think because it was so far from what I knew. Thirty something women, looking for love, bonding over Cosmos, in NYC? Wearing fashions that cost as much as my car payment (or more)? Not in my realm of knowledge or experience here. I latched on.

Once we got word of a movie, I knew I would have to see it. We go to the movies maybe once a year. I also was aware that taking Mark to this movie would be about as fun as passing kidney stones. I figured I would rent it one day.

But last night, after spending our usual Sunday with mother and sister in law and stopping by Hell Mart for a window unit (air conditioner), Mark said, "You should go see that movie. By yourself. Go. "

I admit I was taken aback. Did I smell? Did Mark not love me? Why did he want me to go away so badly? Ah, because he loves me. He knew I wanted to see the movie. He knew the kids had me frazzled and that a break was something I had not had in oh about 8 months or so.

I nursed the baby, got him in his night diaper and jammies and put him to bed. The big kids retreated to their room for a movie. I left.

I got to the theater and was nervous. I had never been to the movies alone. Yes you read that right. In thirty-one years I had never been to the movies alone. I got out of the car, walked in and got my ticket for one. I think some young punk kids made fun of me (or are they called emo's now? Or something?) but alas I did not care. I wanted to grab them and shake them and say, in a completely crazy mom voice, "This is the first time I have been out alone in MONTHS. I get to watch what *I* want to watch. I do not have to share my popcorn or my soda. No grubby hands grabbing my stuff. Just me. And my popcorn. And my soda. Watching a movie that *I* want to see. In relative quiet. Do you get what I am saying????" I did not do that. But I thought it.

I went and got my soda and my popcorn, found my theater and settled into a seat. I sat still for over two hours. Eating and drinking. Laughing and crying (yes, I am that chick.). How refreshing. It felt wonderful.

See as a mom and a wife, you sometimes forget YOU. You give and you give and at the end of the day there is nothing left. Everyone else is taken care of. It is good to have your husband shove you out the door to go take care of YOU for a bit. I will be venturing out alone again soon.

Yes it was time. And I am glad I took the opportunity.


Judy said…
Good for you!

I'll be 30 here in a few weeks, and I've never been to a movie alone. I've only ever eaten in a restaurant alone once (Taco Bell, when I was in college), and it was traumatic. I don't even like shopping alone.

But I may go see Indiana Jones - alone.

I've never seen more than 5 minutes of SATC. But glad you liked it.

If I get to take a long bath alone once a month, I feel lucky. I'm so jealous!
Anonymous said…
So glad you finally did it. It is really important for you to have that time - just for you. You can't give back what you don't have - and peace and quiet is important to revive you. Yay for you!! Make sure that you set some time aside for you - just for you. Love you- Kiki

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