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Sibling Love

My kids DO love each other. Watching them together and separately or paired off in two is amazing to watch. I have to remind myself of how lucky I am to get to witness such interactions when we are in the middle of a, "Davis, get off of your sister's head" moment.

Here is photographic proof of the love. I realize this is only the two big kids with their baby brother. I am not sure what a picture of Emma and Davis together would look like. If I had to guess I would go with Davis sitting on Emma's head laughing while you see very little of Emma.

Open up for a bite

Is it yummy?

This is how Xander usually looks at Davis, with hero worship.


Hey, there is an Emma behind me.

Yes they are watching tv together....

Disclaimer: Emma's orange mustache is from orange soda. Frtz's, all natural.


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