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Shameless Confession

I love to read. I have since I was little. I also have a bad habit of getting completely engrossed in what I am reading. Getting so wrapped up that I can not put the book down until I know what happens. I am still this way. I have no self control when it comes to reading.

That is not the shameless part. What is shameless is what I like to read. Chick lit. There I said. I like to read the mindless dribble that is chick lit. Not romance novels. Just your run of the mill chick lit.

Over the past couple of weeks I have reignited my love of reading. And I gave into the chick lit.

What is it about this genre that does me in? I have found that I enjoy the books that involve being a mom as well. Which makes sense. It is relateable on that level in some way.

I can not quite put my finger on the draw. The last three books I have read, I have been able to identify with the main characters in some way. Seeing as to how they were all moms. I also seem to like (this is even more shameless) the underlying romantic love aspect in the books. In all of them (they are moms, so they had to get that way somehow) men are present and relationships are a reoccurring theme.

I find myself siding with certain characters. Tearing up in certain parts. I get completely lost in that other world. I go to a whole different place. I feel what they are feeling. I route for them, get angry at them, try to walk in their shoes. It is so odd. And I have done so since I began reading chapter books years ago.

Maybe it is the dreamer in me. The part of me that still loves the sweep you off your feet romance and the dreams of the unknown. Even as a grown -up now I still feel it. I thought it was gone. Turns out it is still there. The love of reading, even mindless chick lit, and getting lost in another life.



Judy said…
Ooooh, you go girl!

I find myself unable to read fiction anymore. First, I don't seem to have blocks of time to devote to it, and second, I feel guilty if I'm not reading something by someone I know, when I have stacks of books by Eric's friends I could be reading.

And then, I see how the whole publishing process works, and it turns me off a little.

So, I read non-ficiton. And magazines. And, of course, lots of Dr. Seuss. LOL!

If you ever want to get as far away from chick lit as possible, you should read my husband's books. But really, don't. There's no romance. Barely any women, and the ones there are, aren't very nice.
Judy said…
Also - have you read The Red Tent by ... I can't remember. :(

I know it's gotten mixed reactions in the religious community - fictionalizing a real character from the Bible - but I thought it was a really great read. It was probably the last fiction I read, and I couldn't put it down.
HAPTeach said…
I've never gotten into chick lit yet. Mysteries are still high on my list when I'm not reading textbooks for school.

Love children's books! Even those chapter books we used to read in elementary school!

One book I just finished last night, which I should probably be silent about, is Story Telling by Tori Spelling. Not quite sure how that book got into my house, but I unfortunately couldn't put it down :)
Annie said…
As if we needed another reason to say why we are friends...I LOVE reading. And I get lost just like you do, so engrossed that I won't sleep until I get to through 'just one more' chapter. and I love chick lit, not romance novels (although I have been known to urchase and read those as well) but chick lit...Jennifer Weiner is a personal fav!
Can't wait to see you on Sept 3!!!
luvs ~ Annie
Anonymous said…
Reading feeds the mind and spirit. It could never be a waste of time, no matter what your choice of material. Always great exercise for the mind. Great way to carve out some 'me' time when 24/7 is devoted to family, friends, house, pets, laundry...the list goes on and on. So thanks for sharing the latest book - there were lots of parts that I certainly could relate to. Love you - Kiki
Anonymous said…
You are not alone...I love to read and often get "lost" in it too. Not only do I love chick lit, but lately I've gotten sucked into the whole young adult genre craze, aka "The Twilight Series"! Four books in 2 1/2 weeks. I was SO tired from the lack of sleep! :)
Abby said…
Reveal yourself other anonymous person!

I can not read the Twilight books. I have issues with vampires. Kind of like my issues with clowns....

And..........I like my chick lit. I need something mindless. Staying at home with three kids, home schooling two of them......I need something that I do not have to think about.

Kiki, I have two more for you. (;
Abby said…
Oh and I read fast. I can finish a 200-300 page book in a few hours. After the kids are in bed. Easy.

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