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Fall Is In The Air

The last few days have been cool and cloudy. The sun is setting earlier. Fall is on his way.

I love fall. Actually, I think I love all the seasons once I am getting tired of the season we are in. Summer gets old after a while and I get tired of dripping sweat all the time. Plus, nothing ever sounds good to eat in the summer time. It is just too hot.

Now, fall holds the promise of black bean soup, roast, corn flake chicken. All the things that in the summer it is just too hot to have the oven on for so long. It also means baking time. Cookies and breads. Using the oven in the fall and winter warms the house and you have the smell of yumminess in the house.

Fall means I can get out my long pants and sweats again. No more worrying about shaving my legs everyday. No more worrying about having pale arms or legs. No more worrying that my arms look too fat in a tank top.

Fall means having hot chocolate, hot tea, or some coffee in the evening to warm up. It means getting my blanket and snuggling on the couch.

Fall means back to school. It means Halloween. It means Thanksgiving. It means Christmas.

Fall means spending time with family. Settling back down after summer vacations. Connecting with loved ones again for the holidays.

After all that has happened this year I know this fall will be different than any other fall has ever been. There have been many events that have occurred in my life over the last year that have changed who I am and how I view the world. I am not the person I was last fall. This fall I will take the kids to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin. This fall I have even more to be thankful for. And Christmas will be a celebration like it has never been. Sometimes in life events occur that change who you are to your inner most core. The last year has been one of those years where these life changing events have occurred one after the other.

This fall I will make my cookies and be thankful that I am here to make the cookies. I will stop and smell them and enjoy eating them. I will share them with my loved ones and be thankful that I have so many loved ones here to share them with. And at the end of the day, I will thank my God for all of it.


alimum said…
It amazes me that fall is here so early when it seems like, just yesterday, we were sweltering.

One more thing: I am positive that heat and humidity makes a post-baby body bloated. Yay fall!

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