Daivs has been left-handed, well since, he started using his hands. I thought maybe he would out grow it. In the beginning he would use his right hand sometimes. He would try but it was a struggle for him. Over time, he became almost exclusively left handed. No one else in our house is left handed. But his Papa is (my father).
Davis colors left handed.
Davis eats left handed.
Wondering why my son is left handed, I went searching for info. According to Wikipedia, Davis is left handed because prenatal testosterone contributes to brain organization. One theory is that high levels of prenatal testosterone results in a higher incidence of left-handedness. This could be why there are more left-handed males than females. They also say he could be brain damaged. Which I do not believe. He may be weird, but damaged? Not yet anyway. He is only two. How much damage could I have done already?
However, it is true. My son will be more creative and smarter since he uses his left hand. "A common belief suggests that left-handed people are more intelligent or creative than right-handed people. While there is an unresolved debate within the scientific community on how to operationalize both intelligence and creativity, some studies have demonstrated a small positive correlation between left-handedness and creativity/intelligence." What a relief.....
Whatever. Davis is left handed for some reason. Why, I do not know. What that means, I do not know. What I do know is that I love my crazy, left handed boy. And now he grabs my cheeks and says, "I love you too."
Davis colors left handed.
Davis eats left handed.
Wondering why my son is left handed, I went searching for info. According to Wikipedia, Davis is left handed because prenatal testosterone contributes to brain organization. One theory is that high levels of prenatal testosterone results in a higher incidence of left-handedness. This could be why there are more left-handed males than females. They also say he could be brain damaged. Which I do not believe. He may be weird, but damaged? Not yet anyway. He is only two. How much damage could I have done already?
However, it is true. My son will be more creative and smarter since he uses his left hand. "A common belief suggests that left-handed people are more intelligent or creative than right-handed people. While there is an unresolved debate within the scientific community on how to operationalize both intelligence and creativity, some studies have demonstrated a small positive correlation between left-handedness and creativity/intelligence." What a relief.....
Whatever. Davis is left handed for some reason. Why, I do not know. What that means, I do not know. What I do know is that I love my crazy, left handed boy. And now he grabs my cheeks and says, "I love you too."
Brain damaged, huh? Yeah, not a chance with mine either. In fact, they both seem above average in many things, especially my youngest.
But, why is it that I was worried about them beign left handed?? Yes, the world is set up for right handed people, but since she will live with it her whole life, she will fdeal with it. Anyways, wanted to let you know that you are so not alone with the left handed thing!