Skip to main content day down, 179 more to go

Today we began First Grade Homeschooling. Luckily we did not take too long as we do not do all subjects yet and of course as time passes each subject gets a little harder and more involved. Math, reading/phonics, and music/art will not be an issue. Learning to write in cursive (yes the program we have calls for cursive writing in first grade) will prove to be the most challenging. Emmaline has good print writing, though she always mixes upper and lower case when writing. Now she has to learn cursive in proper form. She seems to enjoy that part. But she does not appreciate my criticizing her writing. It was only the first day and I may have been a little hard. But penmanship was always easy for me and bad penmanship really bothers me. Hopefully she will listen and do a good job.

So we have Day One down and completed. We do not start reading until next week, so this week we will be little shorter. I hope we have a good school year....and I do not lose my mind doing this again this year.


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