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Seeing God in Everyday Life

I know I have said before how much I love our home church. I know I have talked about how hard it was for me to get back into church and feel comfortable there. Even at KCBT it took me some time.

Mark and I over the last couple of years have utilized many of the available resources at the church. We have both been through Discipleship. We have joined in various different Bible studies. We are currently taking the Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey course and just this last weekend we did a Marriage Conference with Dr. Gary Chapman. I have talked with many different people in the church for counseling. It has been unending what our church can offer to us.

None of those are the reasons I love it so much. Yes, it is great that we have these resources. Yes, it is great that they are readily available to us. There are two reasons I love the church so much. One, they teach the Bible. Every week there are verses out of the Bible and we are taught how they apply to everyday life. They make the Bible real and practical, even for 2007. Two, is the Pastoral Team. They are real people. Yes, they are men of God, but they are real people. If you met them somewhere in everyday life you would notice there was something different about them but you would not necessarily know they were Pastors.

Our head Pastor, Dr. Jeff Adams, has started a blog. In my daily checking on blogs, I stop to check his. Almost every day he says something that sticks out to me. Something simple, something anyone can do. Something that reminds me of our God and His love and power.

On January 28, he wrote, "Here’s the point: no matter where you are headed, no matter what the circumstances, and no matter whether you recognize him or not, Jesus is already there waiting for you, standing on your beach. " Simple, but wow what a huge reminder. And what a huge comfort.

Then on January 29, he gave us this, "Stop! Slow down. Where is God’s beauty in your life today? Here’s my list: great coffee from a great barista and friend, friends dating back to High School, friends in ministry for years, beautiful mountains and skiing. "

So today I want anyone reading to know two things. One, no matter where you are, Jesus is there for you. No matter who you are, Jesus is there for you. No matter what you have on your plate, Jesus is there for you. Two, look around you. Take a moment. And see God's beauty all around you. You won't have to look far. Not as long as you open your eyes and your heart and let it in.


D said…
Thank you for this. Circumstances in my life right now are making it difficult to focus on what God has in store for me. I know He is there, but it is hard to see past my worry and anxiety. Thank you for the reminder. This is why I so love your blog.
DEBTective said…
Dollface, I'm big-time proud of you for working for The Man Upstairs, and for spreading the word about Dave Ramsey's class. You're doing great, and good luck on deep-sixing your debt. Here's looking at you, kid.
Abby said…

If I were to say that I have been through hell and back in my life that would be an understatement. There is a lot that I will not write about on my blog as it is too personal.

But when I first sarted this journey, the one where I was ready to put God first, the counselor I was seeing at the time gave me this verse when I very first met with her.

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

This is my go to verse. This reminds me that I will not understand most things in my life but that God has my best interest at heart.

Take care.

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