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Where, Oh Where Has My Emmaline Gone?

Davis is missing his big sister. He asks all the time where is Emma? He will answer himself. "I don't know. She ride on the plane."

He gets in the car and sees that her seat s not there and asks again, "Where is Emma?"

Saturday night it was time for a bath. Davis is usually the first one in and Emma comes along later. Davis got in the tub and hollered, "EMMA! BATH!" I told him she would not be coming. He looked so lost. He did not know what to do nor did he play much.

Davis has had his Emma always. He is rarely without her and they play together all the time. He loves her and loves her company.

Emma told me before she left that she would miss me and her father but NOT Davis. Yet yesterday when I spoke to her on the phone, what did she ask me? "Is Davis missing me? Has he asked about me?"

When I was pregnant with Davis and for a while after I had him, I was worried about what I had done. Emma and I had been alone for almost four years and this was a huge adjustment for both of us. I was sure I had ruined her life by giving her a sibling.

After the last couple of days, it is clear to me that I did not ruin anything. I gave her a playmate for life. And he feels the same way.



Dee said…
I think it is sweet that he is missing Emma. I am always amazed at the love displayed when I watch my two nephews play together. It is nice to see siblings loving each other instead of fighting!
Abby said…
It is amazing. And reassuring. No matter what my kids will always have each other. And they already know that.
Judy said…
Oh, too much sugar for one morning.

It's so great to see siblings loving each other. Guthrie alternates on Turner - beats him up with a train, then picks him up and gives him kisses when he cries.

And ever since the girls went home, Guthrie keeps saying, "I want Sissy and Rosalind back!"

How are YOU surviving without Emma?
Abby said…
I am getting by. I talked to her last night and she is having so much fun. I miss her like crazy and Davis and I are getting ready to run errands, just the two of us, and it feels like something is missing.

I know it has been good for all of us, her being gone. But I realize how much I miss everything about her now!
alimum said…
oh this is so sweet.

I have been a bit of a slacker with checking into the blogs I follow (the holidays, bad houseguest situation) and realize Emma is back with you now, but I wanted to just chime in that your description of Davis' love for his sister makes me cry.

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