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Big Changes

I updated to Blogger Beta today. You can now see fun new colors to liven up the page. Also in the sidebar is a new Labels section, titled Help For The Lost. You can go there, click on a label and it will take you to posts that I put into that category and only that category. The new Blogger Beta rocks because it is much simplier to use. No more using HTML codes, just drag and click. Hope you all (if there are any of you reading this thing) enjoy the new look!


thomas said…
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Amanda. said…
Looks great!

I switched over to Beta but I have yet to customize my template. I have done a lot of changes to it by hand and I'm just not in the mood to start over. Change is scary!!! You are inspiring me, though!!
Anonymous said… and green. I think I like it. How do I get to leave a message in color? I would like hot pink please. Love ya, KIKI
Abby said…
Let's see....


I was able to keep my old template and still do all the changes. I did nto lose anything in the change over either. The new stuff is so easy, no HTML for anything. Just drag and click. Simple!


I can not figure out how to get the comments to post in color. I am working on it. This box does nto accept the Tags and HTMl codes I know for coloring text. I will see if I can change it in my template.
Amanda. said…
Thanks for the tip, Abby.

BTW, I got my packet for the conference in KC today and I am soooooo excited. I hope we can get together!

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