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When you spend countless hours "debating" on Babycenter, you make internet friends. These are people I would guess if we lived closer to one another, we would actually like and get along with in real life. Alas, the internet gives us the opportunity to meet people we would never get the chance to meet. And so as a result, Davis has been tagged by Grace. We have never been so honored.

3 Things That Scare Me
*Mommy being gone
*Emma being gone
*ME being gone

3 People That Make Me Laugh
*Isabelle (our doggie)

3 Things I Love
*taking a bath
*playing with Emma

3 Things I Hate
*Being told no
*Getting out of the bath tub
*not getting to go visit Papa

3 Things I Don't Understand
*why anyone ever tells me no
*college algebra

3 Things On My Desk/Table (or my night stand)
*A singing Miss Spider
*a collection of stuffed bears, including mom's musical bear that she got when she was one, it is antique now
*a cup of pink milk

3 Things I Am Doing Right Now
*causing trouble
*making messes
*singing my ABC's (sort of), counting, learning colors, singing all sorts of songs

3 Things I Want to Do Before I Die
*eat nothing but popsicles for an entire week
*whatever I want without someone always saying NO
*Give mommy grandbabies (mom made me say that)

3 Things I Can Do
*beat up Emma
*drive mommy crazy

3 Things I Can't Do
*sit still for longer than ten minutes
*use toilet (what is the big rush???)

3 Things I Think You Should Listen To
*The Wiggles
*with a side of this (because I am bringing sexy back)

3 Things I Think You Should Never Listen To
*Mommy (I don't, neither does Emma, you shouldn't have to either)
* This

3 Absolute Favorite Foods

3 Beverages I Drink Regularly
*pink milk (strawberry flavored milk)
*juice (sometimes)
*water (occasionally)

3 Shows I Watched as a Kid
*The Wiggles
*Go Diego Go!

3 Babies I Tag


Judy said…
Oooh, you tagged Turner, now that means I actually have to sit down at the computer long enough to update my blog.

The sad part? I don't think I'll have any babies to tag. :( Every baby with a blogging mama I know has already done it. *sigh*

And hey - we're going to be back in the 'Burg for Christmas for a few days - maybe we can get together for a drink or something, huh?
Abby said…
Oh yes Judy! You will have to let me know. How funny to meet people on the net and be so excited to meet them in real life.....

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