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Even Jesus is Being Exploited

I was reading today's newspaper. I usually only ever read the FYI section of the paper. The fluff and entertainment section. In the Saturday edition though they add religion in the back. I also browse through the whole section. The back page usually has some interesting reads on faith and I enjoy reading it. Today brought a very interesting find.

Besides the article How We see God, which was interesting, there was a blurb across the top of the paper. It read:

Rain Delay
During a lightening storm at the 15-acre, $16 million Holy Land Experience biblical theme park in Orlando, Fla., park officials announced the cancellation of that day's re-enactment of the Crucifixion.

HUH? Yea, I had to go look it up on the net. What is this? You have got to be kidding me. I am not sure what to make of this. Apparently the Holy Land Experience is to visit Jerusalem in Florida. Once again, HUH? It is fitted with museums and dining places and stores. You can have this Experience for the price of $35. Of course, The Holy Land Experience limits the total number of guests on the property at any one time in order to preserve the worshipful and educational atmosphere of the experience.

I am religious. And I think learning about God and Jesus and religion is great. But I am not sure about this.

I mean, it is called a Theme Park. It all seems very odd to me and instead of spreading Jesus, His love and His word, it seems to me someone is out to make a buck.

What has happened in this world, that we are even ready to exploit Jesus in this way?


karrie said…
I'm not religious, but I agree that mixing religion and theme parks is bizarre at best.
Judy said…
Another one here who is not religous but is offended by what I believe to be the hypocrisy of the exploitation of religion for a profit. The religious theme park is really upsetting to me.

I also find it intersting to see that this is almost entirely a Protestant phenomenon, or at least it seems to me to be so.
Abby said…
It is utterly bizarre. There is no other way to explain it.

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