Yea that is me alright. I am all about keepin' it real. Fo sure. If you grew up int the 80's and you were not a New Kids on The Block fan then you are one of two things: a man or a liar. I guess back then you either dug the pop music or the head banging music, so I guess if you were not rocking it with NKOTB then you were with Def Leopard. I am a self professed NKOTB fan. I still am. I will shout it from the roof tops. I had their posters plastered all over my bedroom walls. I promise, you can ask my mom. I attended three of their concerts. I bought every Bop and Teen Beat with them on the cover and let's face it, one of them was always on the cover. I had their shirts, their buttons and all their CD's. I had their videos. I watched what was back then MTV's TRL to see if their newest video was number 1. Oh yes my friends. I was going to be Mrs. Jordan Knight. Or Mrs. Joey McIntyre. Trust me. I, to this day, still remember the words to the songs and yes even the da...