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This Just In....

I know I have been MIA. I suck. Life got in the way.

I got my new camera and am learning how to fiddle with it. I also got an adapter ring stuck on it already, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to get that booger off, let me know. It would not be a huge deal except the filters I got go right on the camera and do not seem to fit on the extra lenses. And the lens cap for the camera does not go on either. Once again, I suck.

Anyway, here are some pictures with the new camera. Bear with me, I am still learning how to operate the thing.

Cereal is yummy. Especially when you get to eat it on your sister's bed while watching Tom and Jerry.

Only a REAL man can wear pink and purple SpongeBob jammies handed down from his sister. I actually think Mark may have taken this picture. He does not usually want to take pictures, but he is a man. It was a new toy in the house. He had to try it.

"I am off to pick up chicks in my hot red car. I am soooo stylin'!"

The girl is too big for silly pictures anymore. She is serious.

There you go. Images from the last week around these parts. I did not take any pictures from when the kids colored on the wall. Or when Davis used his poop to finger paint on the table. Sorry.


Anonymous said…
Ok, no more poop on the table talk. I cannot help with the lens cap thingy..but great pics!
D said…
Uh oh! Sticky adapter rings suck! My hubby has a bad habit of getting those puppies too tight on his lenses - he keeps a small piece of rubber in his camera bag just for that reason. You know the little rubber disks they make for opening jars? That kind works well for getting a grip on the edges of adapter rings and polarizers. Good luck!

Thanks for sparing us the poop pictures! ;)
Anonymous said…
Davis will willingly fingerpaint with poop on the table, but has an aversion to fingerpainting using paint on paper?!?!?! Are you going to tell me that it's a boy thing?
Abby said…
Unfortunately I think it is just a Davis thing.

God has a sense of humor......

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