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Keepin' It Real


Yea that is me alright. I am all about keepin' it real. Fo sure.

If you grew up int the 80's and you were not a New Kids on The Block fan then you are one of two things: a man or a liar. I guess back then you either dug the pop music or the head banging music, so I guess if you were not rocking it with NKOTB then you were with Def Leopard.

I am a self professed NKOTB fan. I still am. I will shout it from the roof tops. I had their posters plastered all over my bedroom walls. I promise, you can ask my mom. I attended three of their concerts. I bought every Bop and Teen Beat with them on the cover and let's face it, one of them was always on the cover. I had their shirts, their buttons and all their CD's. I had their videos. I watched what was back then MTV's TRL to see if their newest video was number 1. Oh yes my friends. I was going to be Mrs. Jordan Knight. Or Mrs. Joey McIntyre. Trust me.

I, to this day, still remember the words to the songs and yes even the dances. Oh man. A few years back I bought a Best Of CD and when Joey McIntyre did a solo album, I bought it too. Old habits die hard. The scary part is I still like the sound of the music. I am a Pop Princess.

Today I was over at MySpace and wanting to change my song. Last night I told Mark I was going to put Britney Spears I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman on it. But alas I could not find it. Instead I found New Kids. Yea baby. Now if you go to my MySpace page you can rock out to The Right Stuff. If you are cool you will sing along and then get up and do the dance too. You know you know it and you know you want to.

To help you out, go here. Dawg, they have all the New Kids videos. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go get my Best Of CD, rip the songs and burn them onto my mp3 player.

You got the right stuff, baby
Love the way you turn me on
You got the right stuff, baby
You're the reason why I sing this song
All that I needed was you
Oh girl, you're so right
Said all that I wanted was you
You made all my dreams come true


Courtney said…
I will definitely put you in next weeks NKOTBlog roundup if you don't mind. I just launched a few days ago and it's been fun.
Abby said…
Oh so nice to know I am not the only one out there! LOL.

I do not mind one bit! Thanks for finding me!
Anonymous said…
Yay, someone honest about being a fan! I've been a fan for 16 years now and I will always love NKOTB.
Dee said…
I have to say that I love you even more now. If I knew he wouldn't read it I would even tell you that my hubby had NKOTB playing on Rhapsody a few weeks ago. Shhhh....
Judy said…

I need to get the scanner working on scan some of the pics of my bedroom circa 1991. I had every visible inch of space covered in posters, trading cards, beach towels, and other NKOTB goodies. I was pathetic.

And a couple years ago I bought Hangin' Tough on CD. Eric, who'd never heard of them (he's 17 years older than me you must remember), looked at the picture and laughed and how they were trying to look tough and scary, but so totally weren't.

I was in love with Jordan. I even had a rat's tail, with the only short hair cut I've ever had in my life.

I feel like I should be blushing here. I think I also still have all my videos somewhere. And a sweater and sweatshirt. Maybe even my beach towel.

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