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Nothing Can Ever Touch

I am wrestling with a new issue here and it is not something I can put into words yet. I went to read Jeff Adams' blog and I am reading and feeling sad about the fire in Waldo too. I was reading along and waiting. I knew Pastor Adams would have something really good at the end to say. I also knew I needed something, though I was not sure what. I got to the last paragraph and had my answer.

"Here’s what I’m asking myself. In case of unexpected tragedy, fire, hurricane, tornado or what have you, how would I respond? Can I prepare myself mentally against that eventuality so that even in grief I would have a practiced mental path to follow? Are there records I should keep in a safe place or all together? While living in a civil war many years ago, Cheryl and I had a box of important papers and other irreplaceable items that we could throw in the car if forced to make a getaway. What can be replaced and what cannot? And, even if we lost every thing we had, what are those things that no one could ever take from us and no tragedy could ever touch? Those are the things for which we should thank God! What do you think? "

The reminder I needed today. No matter where my path leads me, there are many things than can never be taken away from me. No matter what tomorrow or next month or next year brings, there are things that can never be taken from me.

Life may not always go as I think it should. Or as I want it to. Yet there are always things that can never be taken away from me. Today I think I will thank God for those things and trust Him with the other stuff.


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