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Just An FYI....

I am writing somewhere else for fun. You can check it out here.

Once I figure out things a bit more, I will let you know. Right now, it is just a thing that I can do whenever I want. It uses Word Press and I am trying to figure it out still.

Hoping maybe I will get some more traffic to this blog and who knows where it all will go????

The link for 451 Press is where you can find my other writing. They are channel blogs and I can write on any of the topics. I will post on here anytime I jump over there for something.


Dee said…
Congrats again! I look forward to seeing you around over there.
Abby said…
Thanks Dee! I appreciate it!
Jen B said…
Hi Abby,
I was offered to write for 451 too..but I have some questions.... I didn't see an email to contact you, could you contact me over at Shutter Gypsy?

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