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I Get So Emotional

Do you ever have days where you just feel like crying? For no real reason. Or maybe there are so many things that you finally decide to just cry and get it out?

I think sometimes in life we go along and refuse to let ourselves feel anything. I know I have had trouble controlling my emotions. Anywhere from crying to depression to anger. It is hard to get a handle on them. I have spent a lot of time in prayer to God over this very issue. I think in all of that, in the fight to keep everything at bay, I forgot one part. Emotions are a good thing. God gave them to us for a reason. We just need to learn to control them.

I think in my battle to control my emotions, I took it to the other side almost. I decided it would be best to not feel anything. Maybe I needed to do that in order to feel in a more healthy way. I am not sure.

Today it seems a lot of things hit all at once and a part of me wants to curl up in bed, pull the covers over my head, and cry all day. Not for any one reason. For a whole host of reasons.

Instead, I think I will take a bath, let some tears fall and feel for a bit, then have some coffee and read in the Bible. After that, if I have not gotten the weepies to go away, I will curl up on the couch for a bit with both of my kids. Nothing can cure a case of the weepies like those two can.

Maybe this is why God gave us emotions. If we can cry and feel sad, then we can also smile and feel happiness and love. I will take the tears any day as long as I know, I can get the love when they are wiped away.


D said…
Oh man, I've been weepy all week. I just don't have time to sit and cry it out. I know how you feel though. Nothing feels better than cuddling with the little ones. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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