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Love Thursday

Sometimes life slaps you in the face. Assuming you are one who does not enjoy being slapped in the face, it stings. More often than not, it also catches you off guard.

In life there are moments that take your breath away, both good and bad. Such as the first time you held your newborn baby. Or the first time someone broke your heart. Both of those moments can take your breath right out of you but in very different ways. Both of those moments can change your life forever and also change your view and definition of love.

As we gather these breath taking moments in our lives, we change and grow. As we change and grow, our view becomes very different than it was in our teen years. We learn that life and love are not what the movies make them out to be. We learn that losing someone breaks our hearts and that putting that back together is not as easy as it looks.

Sometimes love means having to do and say things you would rather not do or say. Sometimes love means having to put yourself last. Sometimes love means giving up on a dream or simply letting something go.

Sometimes we just need to stop and love.


Annie said…
Oh this is sooo needed today. I love you Abby and I am glad we are friends!!
bonggamom said…
Awww, what a nice photo!
PastormacsAnn said…
Oh wonderful! I love how you've put it. I adore your header.
alimum said…
"Assuming you are one who does not enjoy being slapped in the face, it stings"

That made me laugh.

"Sometimes love means giving up on a dream or simply letting something go."

That made me cry.
Abby said…
Why did it make you cry? Sometimes in life you have to let go. Or sometimes you have to put a dream off. Sometimes you realize that your dreams are bigger than you are....

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