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The Aftermath

After Christmas I always suffer from a bit of aftermath. I also spend time reflecting a lot. It makes me crazy.

Right now, I feel tapped out. Maybe it is so many days of posting in a row on this blog. Maybe it is all the hubbub of the holidays catching up. Maybe it is all of the reflecting and thinking on the last year. Whatever the reason, it seems that there are a lot of different thoughts floating around in my head, but I can not get one of them to actually make any sense or come out of my head.

I figure after a couple of days maybe something will make a bit more sense to the rest of the world. Right now though I seem to be lost in my own thoughts and I do not seem able to share them.

All I can seem to come up with right now, it that this was the best Christmas ever. My life is finally becoming what I had dreamed it would be. Through all the turmoil and chaos, the big picture is making more and more sense and all that I had hoped for is becoming reality. It is surreal.

So today, all I can say is thank you Jesus. This year more than any other I am most thankful for Your most wonderful gift. Thank you for the most wonderful year, for my family, and for all You have done in my life and their lives. I look forward to 2007 with You.


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