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Short, Sweet and To The Point~ Just Like Me

Yes this post counts as my post for Saturday. The time is after midnight, so it is December 23.

Today is a day full of crazy. I will be up and out early doing last minute prep for Christmas food. I also still have some food to make myself and a few (this means ALL of the kids gifts) gifts to wrap.

And for anyone who is I did not find Cars Christmas paper. I do have red paper and Cars stickers ready to go though. It will have to do.

I have a few short hours to rest and then I will hit the ground running.

P.S.~ Judy if you are reading, I am a flake. In town? Have time? Send me an e-mail or something and let me know. Christmas crept up on me and now it is biting me in the butt. But what else is new.....something is usually biting me in the butt anyhow.


Judy said…

Yes, Abby, we are in the area. Things crept up on us - with the boys being sick and everything - and I didn't get the e-mail sent. I was a crazy woman trying to get ready to leave.

I'll e-mail you in a bit. We're still trying to see if we can get up that direction, but I don't know if it's going to happen. Too many people, too little time.:(

We're going to try to come back for spring break, though, and in the summer some time.

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