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What Is It With Boys???

My son, is well, different. I will let these two photos speak for themselves.

This is Davis the other day. He asked for dog treats and as usual he went in and shared them with the dog. If you look closely you will see that he has a red thing in his mouth. That is a dog treat. As in a treat for real dogs. Davis eats them. The treats, not the dogs.

This is Davis today. He refuses to use the potty. Yet he wants his diaper changed immediately or changes it himself. Or he sticks his hand in the poop in his diaper and pulls his finger out letting you know that he does indeed have poop in there. I bought him Cars underwear hoping that maybe he would be persuaded to use the potty. Davis had a different idea of where underwear go.....

Oh that boy.....


Judy said…
Oh, Abby, ick!

Funny though.

We're going to go the route of Cars underwear for potty training after Christmas break when things get back to normal. We've been talking about it for awhile. I'm hoping he won't want to poop or pee on Lightning or Mater.
Anonymous said…
My toddler also eats dog treats. She also has a knack for fetching sticks. It's really... cute? Yeah, not really sure what adjective to insert there.
Amanda. said…
Well, eating all those dog treats is going to give him a nice, shiny coat.

If he only he wouldn't cover it up with underwear :)
Abby said…
Yesterday Davis took off his diaper and peed and pooped on the floor. Behind the couch....

He eats the dog food sometimes too.....

What's a mom to do???

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