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How Abby Stopped Thirty From Coming

Yes indeed. In a mere three weeks I will be turning thirty. Um, just a moment, @#*%$#@@#*()(&%$#%
Okay, I am better now.

I am not looking forward to it. I have made several different posts on turning thirty. Hell, I even have a whole label called Getting Older.

Getting old sucks. My body does not work in the way it once did. In SOOOO many ways. I can not tolerate the food I once was able to (Toxic Hell at midnight is a definite no no). The food I do eat, hangs around on my body in a way it once did not (Hellooooooooo, fat ass). I get aches and pains much easier that I ever did. It just plan sucks.

Then I thought maybe I should be more optimistic about this. I mean after all, I can not stop it from coming anymore than the Grinch could stop Christmas. I could try. But sure enough I would be holding hands with all the Who's down in Who-ville and we would be singing,
"Fah who for-aze! Dah who dor-aze!
Welcome Birthday,
Please go away! Welcome, Welcome
Fah who rah-moose.
Welcome, Welcome!
Dah who dah-moose! T
hirty is in my grasp.
Oh well, what a bunch of crap."
And then we would all sit down and eat our roast beast.

Just as the Grinch learned that Christmas did not come from a store; that maybe it meant a bit more. Maybe turning thirty is more than just a number on a piece of paper. Maybe it has more to do with what I look like now or what I can not eat. Maybe it does not hold what I thought it would ten years ago. Maybe turning thirty means I have two beautiful kids and a loving husband. Maybe turning thirty means I get to stay at home and take care of my family. Maybe turning thirty means I can look back on my life and smile and see that getting older is not so bad. I do not think I would want to be eighteen again. I will embrace my age. I can not stop it from coming. I can not change it. It will happen no matter what I do or how much I try to will it away. So sing with me now...

"Welcome Thirty
While we stand
Heart to heart
And hand in hand.
Fah who for-aze
Dah who dor-aze
Welcome welcome

And before you ask, YES, I do make thirty look good.


Udge said…
Great blog title! good luck with the rest of the month, and that turning 30 thang. It's not so bad, and a whole lot better than the only known alternative.

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