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Tagged by Judy

I was tagged by Judy a few days ago. I am finally filling it out.

What is/are YOUR:Easy how-to ways to beat a bad mood? Depends. If the kids are here, running around the house screaming. If Mark is here, some t.v. and ice cream. Sometimes I just need a good cry.

Never-fail lip color? Um, Blistex?

Personality type (via myersbriggs)? ISFJ

Greatest strengths and weaknesses (like in a job interview)? I have never been interviewed for a job so I have no idea. I am easy to talk to, but I lack an ability to look people in the eye while I am speaking.

Names of the trees in your yard? Big, old, tress. I do not know what they are.

Mother-in-law's favorite flower? I really have no idea. She loves the greenery of plants. I would imagine she would like any flower.

And taken from Karrie, I tag anyone who is reading.


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