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Mind Numbing Nothing

My good friend Shannon told me last night as we were at a Girl's Night Out, that she wished I would post about something that was just mindless. Seems she thinks I get too deep on here sometimes. So here is some mindless rubble for you.

I am a celebrity news junkie. I love me some People magazine. So, for this week here is my round up and favorite tidbits of celebrity "news".

First I have to say I am upset at the break-up of Reese and Ryan. Now I do not care much for Ryan as he skives me a bit but I really thought they had a good thing going. Guess not. This threw me for a loop though and I did not see it coming.

Second, way to go Britney. About time you got rid of K-Fed. Yuck. They say this video is when he got the news by text. Which is by far the funniest thing in celebrity gossip this week.

So there you go, some mindless rubble for you to chew on. I know it is not "news" nor is it new, but it is mindless.


Amanda. said…
Brit-Brit is not rubble. Shame on you.

Anonymous said…
Mindless is good sometimes. :) Don't tell anybody but I read ;)

Here via NaBloPoMo Randomizer
Judy said…
My husband doesn't understand the celebrity gossip attraction. I only buy People occasionally, but relish it when I do. Also sad about Ryan and Reese.

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