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She Can Not be my Daughter

Yesterday we found some new black drees shoes for Emma at Target. They are cute and were really a bargain. I bought them for her and brought them home to her and thankfully they passed and fit.

Today, she was getting ready for church, which we did not make it to, and put on her new shoes. She asked me if we could go ahead and keep her old black ones even though they are too little. Her new shoes are patent leather; her old ones are satin. I told her we could probably look for new ones like her old ones. She only has one pair of black dress shoes anyway.

My daughter looked at me and with all seriousness said, "But we just got a new pair of black shoes. I don't need another new pair."

Somebody help me. This child can not be mine. Only ONE pair of black shoes for the winter?!?!

We are going to have to sit down and have a little woman to woman talk tonight about how one can NEVER own too many pairs of black shoes.


Dee said…
I say skip the talk and count your blessings. Think of all the money this will save you while she's growing up! Have the talk when she's ready to move out and pay for her own shoes. :)
Amanda. said…
I'm with Dee. I would wait to have that talk when she is womanly enough to have her own bank account!

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